Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Back 4 and 2 CM's staying compact and squeezing when necessary (4-2-3-1)

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Gareth Wilmott

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Gareth Wilmott
Name: Gareth Wilmott
City: Cwmbran
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function - Back 4 - Shuffling & Staying Compact

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function - Back 4 - Shuffling & Staying Compact
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function - Back 4 - Shuffling & Staying Compact Create Video:

Function - Back 4 - Shuffling & Staying Compact (30 mins)


- 2 Lanes set up as above.

- Zones on the pitch for the back 4 to remain compact at all times.

- If FB leaves the zone to engage the opposition winger ball side CB shuffles over, other CB also enters the ball side zone and the opposite FB tucks over accordingly.

- Also helps 2 CM's with positional play

- The back 4 must shuffle as appropriate if the ball goes out wide.

- This ensures the distances between the back 4 remain compact.

- When to drop and when the squeeze play is alway important.

- When to drop off = when the Blue CM has his head up

- When to squeeze play = when the Blue CM has his head down

- When the back 4 squeeze the play should be no more than 5 yards at a time and then reasses

- If one CB goes to win the ball the other defenders must be dropping anticipating the ball going over the CB and covering around / behind.

- CB's dont let 2 CM's sit on your toes by being too deep.

- When the back 4 or 2 CM's win the ball they have 5 seconds to play into 1 of the 3 target goals on the half way line.

- Blue team looking to score past the Gk in the large goal.

- The game is 6 v 7 as the Blue player who starts the function joins in.

- Starting position of back 4 (NOT too deep)

- When the back 4 win the ball they must squeeze play and not stay deep


- The Blue CM plays a long ball at the Red team Back 4 and the game is live immediately.

- The Red Back 4 try to win the first ball and then squeeze the play upon clearing the ball.

- Blue look to compete for the first ball and win the second ball. Upon doing so they can score in the

large goal.

Key Factors

- Pressure, cover and balance

- Starting position of back 4 (NOT too deep)

- When the back 4 win the ball they must squeeze play and not stay deep - 5 yards at a time

- CB communicate to 2 CM's on positioning

- Stay narrow and compact

- Positive starting position for GK, on front foot to cut out through balls

- Dont sit too deep, squeeze the play when possible.

* Opposition head down - squeeze play

* Opposition head up - drop off - if appropriate.

Defending Key Points

- Apply pressure to the opposition - Who, When, Where, How

- Who, when and where is pressure, cover and balance applied

- How are pressure, cover and balance provided to direct play or prevent penetration

- Side on Approach - Dont get caught flat

- Compact and Narrow Unit shape

- Show Inside/Outside

- Communication

- Angles and Distances of support

- Decision Making

- Tracking Runners

- Recovery Runs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill - Back 4 - Staying compact & Applying pressure

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill - Back 4 - Staying compact & Applying pressure
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill - Back 4 - Staying compact & Applying pressure Create Video:

Drill - Back 4 - Staying compact & Applying pressure (20 mins)

Set Up

- Back 4 set up in a compact and narrow shape (lanes can be set up as per previous Function if needed)

- Cones numbered 1-4 infront of the back 4.(3 yards)

- These cones are for the back 4 to apply pressure to and then the remaning back 4 remain compact and shuffle as appropriate.

- Calls on cones 1-4 are made by the coach.

- The 2 poles in the middle of the penalty spot represent the striker. The striker should be taken into account at all times and not be left alone.

- After applying pressure to cones 1-4 the back 4 must drop back into to line marked out with 2 large cones on edge of the penalty box before next call.


- Add players to each of the 4 cones and the coach will then pass the ball into a numbered cone and the back 4 must apply pressure as they previously did but instead of the coach callling a number they must react to the ball.

Defending Key Points

- Apply pressure to the opposition - Who, When, Where, How

- Who, when and where is pressure, cover and balance applied

- How are pressure, cover and balance provided to direct play or prevent penetration

- Side on Approach - Dont get caught flat

- Compact and Narrow Unit shape

- Show Inside/Outside

- Communication

- Angles and Distances of support

- Decision Making

- Tracking Runners

- Recovery Runs

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