Hockey Session (Foundation Phase): HWHC U6-U9 11-4-21 (Moving with the ball) v2

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Pro-Club: Hampstead & Westminster Hockey Club

Alexandra Smart

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Alexandra Smart
Name: Alexandra Smart
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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The focus for this session is moving with the ball or dribbling, looking at hands, stick and ball position.


  • Left hand in wristwatch position.
  • Double V down front of the stick.
  • Left hand turns the stick.
  • Loose right hand.
  • Butt of the stick facing player's belly button.
  • Ball at 1 o'clock position.
  • Knees bent.
  • Head up.
  • Transfer weight from right to left (forehand to reverse).
For the Gateways game on the You Tube video, skip to 2 mins 35 seconds.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Stuck in the Mud

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Stuck in the Mud
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Warm Up - Stuck in the Mud


  • One catcher.
  • Every other player has a ball.
  • Define a playing area.
  • Players dribble their balls around the playing area.
  • If they are tagged by the catcher, they must stand with their feet apart and their ball in front of them.
  • Another player can 'free' them by pushing the stuck player's ball through their legs.
  • Encourage a light tap on the shoulder to tag a player, make sure they are not pushing or shoving.
  • If players are not being freed by their teammates, add a 'magic' player. This player does not have their own ball and cannot be caught. Their role is to free other players.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stick Drags

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stick Drags
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Stick Drags


  • Each player sets out two cones, a stick length apart.
  • Each player has a ball.
  • Stick length drags side to side.
  • 4 x 1 min rounds.
  • Progress to working in pairs. One player puts their stick on the ground in place of the cones. Their partner stick drags along the length of their stick - without hitting it! This helps players keep control of the ball and understand where their feet should be in relation to the ball.
  • The player not working should look out for the coaching points and critique their partner.
  • Left hand in wristwatch position.
  • Double V down front of the stick.
  • Left hand turns the stick.
  • Loose right hand.
  • Butt of the stick facing player's belly button.
  • Ball at 1 o'clock position.
  • Knees bent.
  • Head up.
  • Transfer weight from right to left (forehand to reverse).

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Carry

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Carry
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Ball Carry


  • In pairs, players are about 20 metres apart.
  • The player with the ball carries towards their partner who will hold up a number using their fingers.
  • The ball carrier needs to call out each number held up to ensure they are looking up and carrying the ball at the 1 o'clock position.
  • Start with walking, progress to running.
  • Keep swapping the ball carrier.
  • Progression - player holding numbers up moves around. The ball carrier must call out the numbers and change direction to keep carrying towards their partner.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Grandmother's Footsteps

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Grandmother's Footsteps
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Grandmother's Footsteps


  • Indicate a start and finish line, approx 20 metres apart.
  • Every player has a ball.
  • They must dribble the ball towards 'Grandmother' who has their back turned.
  • When Grandmother turns around, all players must freeze.
  • If their ball is moving away from them (ie. they are not in control of their ball), they start back at the beginning.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Monsters

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Monsters
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Ball Monsters


  • Create two circles using cones.
  • Put lots of balls around the outside of the large circle.
  • Nominate two “ball monsters” to go into the large circle.
  • The aim for everyone else is to dribble balls from the outside of the large circle into the small circle. Once they have taken one ball into the small circle, they can go and get another ball.
  • The ball monsters are trying to take any balls inside the small circle back to the outside of the large circle.
  • Run the game for 1 minute. See how many balls are left in the small circle at the end. Swap the ball monsters to see who can have the fewest balls in the small circle at the end of the round.
  • Start the game without any tackling. Ie, the ball monsters cannot intercept a player dribbling a ball into the small circle.
  • If you feel comfortable, allow the ball monsters to tackle players on their way to the small circle. If the ball monster wins the ball, they still take it to the outside of the large circle.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rob the Nest

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rob the Nest
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Rob the Nest


  • Setup four teams, each with a square of cones.
  • Put a 'nest' in the middle with as many balls as you can.
  • Each team should have 2-3 players. Run more than one game if you have a large group.
  • Only one player from each team can go at a time.
  • They must run into the middle, retrieve one ball and dribble it back to their team. Then the next player can go.
  • Remember – one player, one ball!
  • They must dribble all the way back and not just hit it back to their team.
  • The game is over when all of the balls have gone from the middle.
  • The winning team is the team with the most balls.
  • For the second round of the game, teams must return all of their balls to the middle, one ball at a time, one player at a time. This gives the losing team from the first round a chance to win, as they have fewer balls to return.


  • Still with just one player from each team at a time going, they can now take a ball from the middle or from another team’s corner.
  • Teams cannot defend their balls. If another team comes to take a ball, they must let them.
  • Run the game for 2 mins. The winning team is the team with the most balls.
  • Make sure you clearly explain the rules!
  • Ie, one player from each team at a time, dribbling all the way back to your team, not defending your own balls.
  • Rules of hockey also apply – you can’t stand on the ball or pick it up to protect it!

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game - Gateways

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game - Gateways
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Game - Gateways


  • Set up 4 gates (two cones make a gate, as wide or narrow as you like) in the corners of the pitch. The gates should be on the pitch rather than the line, so players can enter them from either side.
  • Players score a point by dribbling or passing the ball through any gateway.
  • This game encourages players to react quickly as the ball constantly turns over between teams.
  • You can’t score in the same gateway twice in a row.

YouTube Video

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